mardi 6 mai 2008

Webfolder pour firefox

In the past, users of Firefox who needed to access WebDAV servers only had
one choice:
Julian Reschke's OpenWebFolder extension which hooks into Microsoft's
WebDAV component and thus only works on Windows.

Now there is a second choice:
Under my guidance, a team of three undergraduate students (Ayse Sabuncu,
Benjamin Schuster, and Ryan McLelland) from the Department of Computer
Science at the Johns Hopkins University has developed a new,
cross-platform WebDAV extension called WebFolder.
The extension, developed for their Senior Design Project course
(, implements the full class 2
WebDAV protocol (including locking) in JavaScript and runs on any platform
supported by recent versions of Firefox.
The extension is available at

Pas encore trouvé la doc... Si quelqu'un trouve?

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